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Finding my Passion


Atualizado: 22 de mai. de 2022

Hi, I’m Yugo, the developer behind this Studio, and I’ll tell you a short story about how Slider Games came into existence.

I play video games since I was a little kid. I Played games like Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Megaman, Pokémon, Chrono Trigger and many others. There was so many things I loved about them, like the gameplay itself, the art, the soundtracks and everything! (There were also not very good games too, but let’s not mention them).

In 2014, I passed an Exam and joined an Engineering University here in Brazil. It was Mechatronics Engineering (pretty cool name he?). But, well… I started to lose interest after a years or so.

At this moment, I stepped back and started think about what I really love. In my childhood I drew a lot, many of the drawings were megaman, sonic and pokemons. I also love to whistle, and was always whistling Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy songs. And in these 2 years in Engineering Classes, I learned to code, and loooved it.

Then It finally came to me. I wanna make games! It was just so obvious.

So, In mid 2016, I left University and started learning Game Development by my own. I read some books, did hundreds of tutorials, and, after 3 months, I released my first game: Duo Rescue. To publish and spread the word about this game, I created Slider Games.

It was really fulfilling to watch people playing Duo Rescue and having “aha moments” or receiving messages about how they were having fun. It was certainly not a hit, but for me, It was a huge success, and real turning point.

Now I just hope I can delivery fun and enjoyable experiences to everyone I can! Having fun is just part of us. We are humans after all.

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